A few weeks ago we had the best visitors come to our house from Hullett Wyoming! Yes if you have never heard of it before it is a tiny town, smaller then Kanab, in Northern Wyoming near the Dakotas. Nate and Melissa came to enjoy the warmer we
ather, don't blame them it is still snowing there. We had so much fun! We layed out by the pool, went shopping, ate at some delicious restaurants and take out, saw the Easter Pageant, checked out the Mesa Temple Visitors center, talked until the late evening, and like I said before, had the best time! My boys love them! Especially Lex! We had just come from Utah were Lex was so clingy to me but he forgot all about me once Nate was here. Seriously the kid would go to him when he was hurt or crying! Crazy! Tanner would be so jealous! We love the Hartsocks so much. Melissa said that we probably wont ever live by each
other, which broke my heart and made me want to cry at first, but skype and our annual visits will make up for living sooo far apart. Melissa and I served our missions together at the Mesa visitors center, we were never companions but became close through our time at the VC. Melissa and Nate were able to go see some of her converts, friends, and did a session at the temple. Ahh, now that I am typing this I am sad they are gone. Nate and Melissa you are always welcome to come visit and we hope to see you in the early Fall. Sadly we didn't take enough pictures and I even got a new camera for my birthday!(thanks Tim, Mom and Dad)
Here we are going through God's Plan for His Family for old times sake. I remember going through this presentation a thousand times and dreaming of what my family would be like. Now I am here with them and it brings me so much satisfaction and joy!

I love Melissa's face in this picture. I can only imagine what she is thinking as we listened to Christ. I have met so many wonderful people in this little room!

The classic Temple picture! Love it and love you guys!

Hudson loved the Pageant this year. He listened so well and asked the cutest questions about Jesus. At one point when all the children were gathered around Christ he asked if he could go up there with them. Also when Christ was about healing the sick Hudson said " I have lots of owies Jesus can fix!" Hudson and Lex loved the animals, of course!

Before the Pageant we ate at Mango's!

Sisters, you will love this. In the big theater they have it set up so you can take picture with the cast. They actually take the picture for you and mail it to you! Crazy huh?!

Nate and Melissa we love you! Thanks for having fun with us!
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