Our baby Lex turned 1 on Sunday. We can't believe how fast this year went. To celebrate, all the Claybaughs met us in Kanab. Not only was it Lex's birthday but Todd's was on Saturday. At first I didn't have any plans to do anything special but the more and more I thought about everyone coming down to celebrate I knew we had to make it worth their while, especially since there would be 8 other children there. Since we would be in Kanab, a Cowboy themed party was only fitting. My mother is the queen of decorating so I picked her brain and, with a little help from google, we came up with a great party. I made gun holsters as the goody bags filled with cowboy and indian figures, play dough, rubber bands, a sheriff badge, pop gun, and bandannas. We played Pin the Badge on the Sheriff, Drop the snake in the boot, and Wild West Shoot Out. We also had a yummy cowboy supper. It was so fun to have everyone there, even Aunt Cara graced us with her presence, even if she and Papa had to leave Saturday night. I think I can say that fun was had by all.
The goody bags.
The cowboy table.

I couldn't resist getting a picture with the birthday boy, he was just too cute.

Hudson was being a helpful big brother by opening Lex's presents for him.

These three caballeros use to be the three babies...

These three amigos are the new babies.

Who could resist this little cowboy?

The birthday boy in his getup.

Sage made our "Pin the badge on the sheriff" sign within an hour before the party.

Austin and Kolby are the 2 oldest of the Claybaugh grands. They crack me up. They went outside and did this shoot out on their own!

oh my gosh shelbie! ADORABLE! I love it! It looks like you guys had so much fun!
Oh my goodness those cowboys and cowgirls are adorable! Looks like it was a ton of fun. Im glad you went all out and have pictures to show.
Happy Birthday baby LEX! PS
Skyping is the best.
FUN FOR THOSE BOYS I'M SURE. Thanks for sharing Shelbie. So good to have you back into blogging since we don't see you often.
Oh so cute Shelbie! Happy Birthday to your little Lex! YOur family is just So cute!
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