My cousin Eric is starting the next chapter in his life... Medical School at Touro University in Vallejo California, near the San Francisco bay area. He leaves tomorrow. I am so happy for him in this new journey but also a little sad that he is leaving Arizona. I just got here and have really enjoyed seeing him on a weekly basis. Eric has been such a great cousin and friend my
whole life. Some of my favorite memories of him are singing MC Hammer songs, playing Fish out of water in my grandparents pool, (I always cheated by looking into the side window), playing cards, and visiting parts of his mission with him many years ago. He is also quite hilarious and brilliant, hence the medical school. I'm excited, I really am, but will miss him so much.
Last night we had a little farewell party at Cafe Rio for him. We always have a good time with lots of laughs when we are all together. We all brought presents to send him on his way.
My grandparent and Uncle Mike got him a toilet bowl cleaner. I'm guessing it was an inside joke because all were laughing and I didn't get it!

Let me explain this next picture of Eric holding a "Token". I sent a text to everyone telling them details of the party and also to bring a small token of your love for Eric for his new adventure. Well, leave it to Mike and Xochi to make a joke of it! They kill me!

We gave Eric the game Operation to help him practice for school!

The boys were very entertaining, as always! They raced each other most of the night!

Uncle Glen, Aunt Suzie, Uncle Mike in the way back, Grandma, Grandpa, Little Mike, Xochi, Eric, Gabby, Hudson, Me, Tim, and baby Lex. Not pictured Kyle, Uncle Brian and Ester.

My Dear Eric,
I am so proud of you and excited for this new journey .
Thank you for being the great man that you are.
You will do great things and I know you will be an amazing Dr.
I will miss you so much.
Remember that if you ever need a break call us up and
we'll meet you in So. Cal.
Good luck
I love you!
Love Shelbs
You guys are so lucky you get to be down there with all that family. Thanks for keeping me updated with the pictures and details. I wish I could be there. GO ERIC! I love the picture of Eric with the boys as well as the one with just you. You look like an Arizona mama! Love the shoes.
shelb! You look so adorable! Looks like it was a fun party! Hope you are doing great! Miss you!
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