HE DID IT! Tim passed the NAB test!! What does this mean you ask? The NAB is a national test that all future Administrators have to take in order to run a nursing home/rehabilitation facility. Tim had to know even the smallest details like how far off the floor do you have a toilet paper roll? Crazy! So passing this test means he gets his Administrators license and could run his own facility. We are so proud of him! Yesterday was such a long morning for us. Tim started his test at 8:30a.m. and had 3 hours to take it. I kept myself busy by cleaning/organizing the house and skyped Chamberlain and Ash. I had Hudson watch a few more shows then normal to help pass the time. Finally at 11:50 Tim called and delivered the fantastic news. We are thrilled! I told Hudson and he starting screaming out of excitement! Tim said that as he read the word PASS his whole body just relaxed.
Last night I had to run to the store to get a few things for breakfast, as I was leaving Hudson asked "Does Dad get to babysit me while you go to the store?" The best part is when I got home Hudson exclaimed "Mom, dad was a great babysitter for me!" Hudson's views of dad are about to change! No more early morning or staying late after work to study.
We are so proud of you Tim!

Love my boys when they are all together.
Looks like i've been replaced:/
I miss babysitting those two little cuties!
Way to go Tim! Now he can wrestle with hudson and Lex all evening long!
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