We are so excited to be in Utah in one week!! That's right all my Northern friends and family, we will be there Thursday night until Wednesday afternoon, actually I will be there that long, Tim will be home on Monday, sad. We are looking forward to Wingers (hoping for all you can eat wings!), Smoking Apple, Zupas, conference, oh and spending lots of time with family. Hudson and I made a count-down chain to celebrate our excitement everyday! Although he keeps saying he can't wait to go to Hawaii to see Juju and Chamberlain. I correct him every time, but I guess Utah is paradise to him, Who knew?! Everyday we talk about what we will do there and who he will play with. Today while skypeing Ash and Chamberlain, he said in a very sincere voice, "I miss you Chamberlain." Chamberlain said he will get his room ready for a sleepover. That is if Juju will let him go!
Tonight while saying prayers, Hudson said "Please bless that I can go to Bailey's house when I'm at Juju's". Listening to Hudson say prayers at bedtime is the best way to end our night. He still thinks he needs help but will add the cutest things. In some of his recent prayers he has said "Thank you for all the super hero's and thank you not for the bad guys", "please bless that Jesus wont die again", "Thank you for my toys", and while saying "Thank you for Jesse" he gets a big smile on his face and shakes his body full of joy. I can imagine him thinking of all the fun things they do together while saying Thank you. He is consistent in praying for Uncle Jonny on his mission and President Monson, but he says it so fast that you can hardly understand it until he says Amen! He will also whisper to us what to say while we pray! Love that kid. As a mother it is rewarding to hear him say and speak sweet things to our Father in Heaven. It makes me feel that I am doing my job right! Most days I feel like nothing I am trying to teach him or show him is sinking in, like I'm a horrible mother, but not when he prays it comforts all my worries.
Utah, here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Notice our picture of Utah has all the Counties? I quized Ash on her County skills and she did quiet well. I thank my dad for taking such interest in knowing such random facts, like your County seats! Jennie, jog any memories for you?

Lex is excited too!