We have the best neighbors! They live down stairs from us and happen to have a little boy that is Hudson's age. Marc Anthony, or Jesse for short. We didn't discover our new friend until almost 3 months of living here and we have played with him ever since. These boys spend hours outside riding their bikes, rolling down the grassy hill, throwing rocks (big no-no), coloring with chalk, playing in the mud, having races on bikes or running, eating snacks, playing tag, finding worms (ew), chasing the neighbors cats, all the while screaming, laughing and just being silly boys. Lex loves to watch them play. He will crack up at them rolling down the hill. If he is not outside with them he will usually watch them from the window and laugh.
Jesse has been so kind to teach Hudson phrases like "you're cheating", "that's not fair", and "You're not my friend anymore". I've gotten that last one a few times but my favorite is "You're cheating!!" I know he has no clue what that means but will say it anyway. Jesse has an older sister Francesca and an Aunt Lucy, who he calls his sister since she is only 8. Vee, is Jesse's mother and is the sweetest lady. She will make me these wonderful Mexican dishes, they always look amazing! To be honest I have never tried them, not a huge fan of shrimp pasta, Chili relleno, or Flan to name a few (is that bad?). I want to always remember this family. Today while the kids played I took some pictures of the fun they have.
Lex wants to be a big boy so bad!

Bike races. Jesse in front, Lucy on the wiggle car and Hudson at the tail end.

Hudson flashed me this smile as he rode past! Love it! He needs a haircut.

Francesca is holding Lex, Lucy is in the red. Lucy cracks me up. She rocked her pj's all day with killer black knee high boots.

When I told the boys to get together for a picture Jesse pulled this move. Too cute. Also wearing the pj's!

Francesca is 11, usually she doesn't play with the kids but today she was very sweet to ride with Lex down the hill.

This was actually Hudson's second time riding the wiggle car down the hill. He is not the most adventurous kid. He usually would stand at the top and run down with everyone but today he faced his fears. His facial expression says it all!

In the summertime when Hudson is at his darkest, these two can pass as cousins.

Fun Times~
Oh I want to be there to hear their cute laughs! I guess I'll just have to wait till APRIL!!
Too cute. Jesse is awesome. Jesse is talked about quite a bit in our house although Chamberlain has yet to meet him. I believe you can chalk that fear of riding down hills on the wiggle car to Josh. Remember the huge hill Josh sent him flying down by your old house and he flew across the grass and face plant in a puddle. Yeah I think that might be it. Love ya. Ps Hudson is looking more and more like a little boy.
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